Ultraviolet is a publication all about the colour purple. It showcases the history, nature, and everything else you can imagine to do with the magical colour.

As a class project, we were all assigned a colour to research and create a publication for. This project was particularly exciting for me since purple happens to be one of my favourite colours, and as a class project we actually didn’t get to choose which colour on the colour wheel we would get to study, so I considered myself quite lucky! The process of this project involved deep research into the colour purple: it’s history, psychological connotations, physical properties, facts about the colour etc. Next came the visual elements; obviously it had to be purple, however this also meant choosing which shades of purple I wanted to create this publication around and testing out the print qualities of the colour. Everyone in the class had to create their book in the same size, however it was up to us what materials we wanted to use.
As I was resourcing paper qualities and finishes, I came across some holographic sheets as well as red+blue plastic colour gel filters that I thought would be interesting to add into the publication. This inspired me to title the publication “Ultraviolet” and I create an aesthetic that had an old analog computer kind of vibe, one that felt spacey, virtual-esque and “laser-shooting-pigeon-ey.”
The final print was coil bound and featured as a class exhibition. I was really proud with what I had accomplished with this work, and I now know way too much information about the colour purple. If you’re ever wanting to know absolutely everything about the colour purple, hmu for a copy!